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Petit Theft Lawyer In Fort Lauderdale

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Petit Theft Defense Attorney Fort Lauderdale

Petit theft, also known as petty theft, refers to theft in which the stolen property is valued at less than $100, and the victim is not a merchant or retail store. In Florida, this offense is typically classified as a second-degree misdemeanor. However, if you have a prior conviction, the severity of the charges and potential punishment can increase significantly, including the possibility of jail time and fines of up to $500.

If the value of the stolen property exceeds $100 but is less than $300, it becomes a first-degree misdemeanor offense. Conviction for such an offense can result in a sentence of up to one year in jail and potential fines of up to $1,000.

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Defending Petit Theft Charges in Broward County

At The Law Offices of Daniel Rosenberg, we have the experience and expertise to defend against petit theft charges in Broward County, Florida. Some effective defenses to petit theft charges include:

  • Mistaken Accusations: Establishing that the accusations are based on a misunderstanding or incorrect information.
  • Mistaken Identity: Providing evidence that the accused individual was not the one involved in the theft.
  • Lack of Video Footage: Demonstrating the absence or poor quality of video evidence supporting the alleged petit theft.
  • False Accusations: Uncovering evidence of false accusations made against the defendant.
  • Customer Mistaken as Leaving the Store: Proving that the accused individual was mistakenly perceived as attempting to leave the store with stolen property.

If you have been charged with petit theft, it is crucial to contact a petit theft defense attorney without delay. A conviction can result in up to one year in jail and leave a permanent mark on your criminal record. Your future is at risk, and our experienced petit theft lawyer can work to reduce your charges or even have your case dismissed. We will carefully assess the unique facts of your case and develop the most effective defense strategy.

Don't wait until it's too late. Your freedom and reputation are on the line. Contact us now at 954-829-1277, and let us build the strongest defense strategy for your case. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we are dedicated to ensuring that justice is served.

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